Suddenly increased Gamma radiation in Ukraine?





2 Points

Lord have mercy!

What a dang poop show.

3 Points

Yes there’s nothing good going to come out of this.

3 Points

I side with Russia on this. Solely because Trudeau and Biden are against Russia.

Also incoming cyber attack. Biden and gates brought it up. Russia bout to be blamed for US shenanigans.

2 Points

I’m not a fan of Biden nor of Trudeau (in fact, I can’t really think of a single politician that I do admire) but in my view, Putin is also a dangerous little prick who’s been in power for far too long and is starting to believe his own hype.

The hero worship that Trump, Farage and their ilk have for him also sticks in my craw.

Whether it’s due to prolonged isolation - he’s clearly terrified of catching Covid - or whether it’s the inevitable slide into megalomania, from which all autocratic despots seem to suffer, he appears to be going it alone and doesn’t have anyone close to him to point-out that some of his whims really aren’t a good idea. He seems paranoid and angry. Some would say he’s been provoked, others might think it’s a scheme he’s been nurturing for a while.

Frankly, the blatant threat to nuke anyone who interferes in Ukraine can’t be allowed to stand, either.

I hope he’s messed-up here. That the world will finally treat his Russia as the rogue state that it’s been for a long time. A lot will depend on China’s reactions, of course. Are we pure and wonderful in the West? Of course not but Putin is a savage and, unless it’s all a show for the cameras, he seems to be losing his marbles. I hope there’s a popular uprising against him and his cronies, but I doubt it.

Honestly, I feel we’re beginning to walk the path to a much wider confrontation here. I hope I’m wrong.

Just my ha’peth, of course. Other, probably better informed opinions, are available.

7 Points

The problem is that we don’t know what these world leaders know. We do know there are groups of wealth that seek to, at the least, manipulate the planet for their gain. How evil are they? What are thier plans beyond wealth, if any?

What if Putin as asked to kneel and said no? What of the same for China? Seems being a power hungry asshole is certain, but which power hungry asshole is preferred? I know the ones in the west just lie and manipulate and desire to make their population afraid.

I don’t know much of Chinese or Russian propaganda. Do they also make their population live in fear?

5 Points

I’ll reply anon! :slight_smile:

1 point

Depends which side of the Tiananmen Square photos you believe.

OT: Mince pie, anyone?

6 Points

Anything more recent?

1 point

Pretty confident they kept stuff under wraps since then. I’ve seen a lot of weird shit from outside of the government but otherwise nope. It’s not really fair to assume, of course. The recent switching away from democracy thing was a bit annoying, although it never really was democracy, and as Plato said, democracy is just 1 step from tyranny and one below oligarchy. I’m starting to agree with him.

5 Points

2 Points

A friend recently turned me on the the horseshoe theory. I believe it is a more accurate representation of the political spectrum.

He also gave me insight into the ukraine issue from the perspective of a Russian. Very interesting to learn that a neonazi militia group was folded into the ukrainian military.

Add on to the fact that the issues in Canada have exposed our deputy PM as a ukrainian whose grandfather was a nazi collaborator, and she spent her 20s in the ukraine protesting or something, which was enough for russia to deny her access into their country.

According to my friend, taking the chrimea was no different than the UK defending the falklands. a group of people that wanted to be part of a certain country, but didnt live in it.

Add to this, some history… the cuban missle crisis was bad, because russia putting missles that close to US soil. what has the US been doing in the ukraine again? The US almost went to war over Cuba, which was justified(apparently), yet Russia doing the same is not?

A skunks asshole smells better than all this crap.

3 Points

I take a stand away and balance the story here though. There is a neo-nazi militia and these:

I’m dubious of this source, but politics-wise, they banned nazi/communist “propaganda”, replacing Lenin’s statue with Darth Vader, plus a bunch of other similar stuff.

This seems to be a good read on it:

There are neo-nazi’s rife amongst eastern Europe / Eurasia. To make out this is the incentive smells worse to me. I wouldn’t compare Crimea and the Falklands - there was mainly British people and some Argentineans there, but it belonged to Britain. Crimea belonged to Ukraine, despite there being mainly Russians there.

I would rather say that it was a big mistake to tilt to NATO, but this now has gone beyond diplomacy even though their leader is a bit freaked and trying to nice it with independence with Russia’s Dmitry, it’s too late on either side. I do see most of the current retaliation as lip service - the sanctions and so on. If leaders genuinely care, they go all in, but I seriously doubt they will dip their toes that much.

2 Points

I might be wrong but this “claiming of land because lots of their people live there” stuff seems to be tactical. Let’s hope they don’t overrun London OH NO WAIT SHIT

1 point

I don’t like this stuff. Smells like they’re creating extra human shields to tally up civilian deaths and tug at heart strings to me.

3 Points

Nor this.

3 Points

That was so fucked up. They’re trying to make out the Ukraine tank swerved suddenly… directly into and over that car, and stayed there? Whoops.

3 Points

Yeah I rushed to the comments as well, I can’t believe he survived.

3 Points

I know!!

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