People with Tinnitus try the "Reddit Tinnitus Cure" and the results are amazing

4 Points

My Father had Tinnitus for years, a friend told him to give up cheese and salt completely. Two weeks later it was gone for good.

3 Points

I have tinnitus and this did nothing as expected.
If a real cure works why are doctors not providing it to patients?
Why is the VA not calling every vet and telling them what they need to do?
Or am I just an idiot that never asks the right person the right question at the right price?

4 Points

I get it occasionally but mildly and Mrs Wombat suffers from it quite badly and regularly.

This trick did nothing for me but seemed to diminish her’s when she tried it just now as it was flaring-up.

I’ve passed on the cheese and salt tip to her, too.

EDIT Apparently it’s key to seal the ears with the palms of the hands. I also saw there’s a video that’s debunking it but as mentioned, Mrs W seemed to find it helpful.

3 Points

Mine seems to get much worse with any wax build up or sinus stuffiness but it always there. For some reason and I suspect Harmonic Resonance loud fans on the electronic equipment I work combined with Tinnitus drives me bat shit crazy were others don’t even notice the fans are running.

3 Points

Didn’t work for me, still have the ringing

3 Points