Ivermectin Cuts Covid Mortality by 92%


Regular use of ivermectin led to a 100% reduction in hospitalisation rate, a 92% reduction in mortality rate and an 86% reduction in the risk of dying from a COVID-19 infection when compared to non-users, a major new study has found.

The study, published in the medical journal Cureus, analysed data from 223,128 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil and is the largest study of its kind, giving its findings a high degree of certainty. Senior author Dr. Flavio A. Cadegiani wrote on Twitter: “An observational study with the size and level of analysis as ours is hardly achieved and infeasible to be conducted as a randomised clinical trial. Conclusions are hard to be refuted. Data is data, regardless of your beliefs.”

1 point

So, like suing those in government dismissing the drug, and especially those that pushed the “horse dewormer” lie? Not just here in the US but anywhere else? They purposely let people die to push an unproven and unsuccessful shot, gotta violate something

2 Points