Griffonner's Web Site

Hello friends.
As you may be aware I have been suffering with Lyme disease for several months. For quite a long while I was drained of energy to the point of literally just forcibly sitting twiddling my thumbs! I decided to make some use of the time - I could at least sit at the computer.
I decided to create an online showcase for my writing. The result can be found HERE.
I plan on ‘throwing the doors open’ publicly before the start of the new year, but invite you to have a look at the work in progress, now very close to completion.
In the process of doing this I have been a bit self-centered and obsessed, so forgive the fact that I have not been visiting teo9i and many of my other ‘usual haunts’.
Keep safe and well everyone.
Blessings, Griff

10 Points

I’ve been changing it quite a bit to include written work of other authors than myself.

6 Points