Ghost Colours

When your brain lies to you… In the image below, there is absolutely NO trace of yellow, red, or green! (Zoom in to see it for yourself) Instead, the only genuine colors present are blue, cyan, and magenta.

3 Points

I can see blue, cyan, magenta and yellow in the first and second images, but only yellow, green, and red in the third. :confused:

1 point

There must be a difference between light and printed colours, cause my brain say no :joy:

1 point

Time for a colour blindness test for you!

1 point

My eyes are fucked, I can see all the colors in all the pictures

1 point

Did you try zooming in?

1 point

Black and white, not yellow:

Magenta and black, not red
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 09.54.21

Cyan and black, not green
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 09.58.15

All this is caused by only using cyan, magenta, blue, and black, where blue causes our brain to automatically bias towards other solid colours

1 point

Your brain is filling the Red colour. The picture is made entirely of light blue, black and white.