Germany's New Nuclear Fusion Reactor SHOCKS The Entire Industry

Nuclear Fusion has potential beyond what you can imagine. It has the
potential to power the stars. It can offer practically infinite energy with zero
carbon emissions if it can be recreated on Earth. And unlike the current
nuclear fission technology, Nuclear Fusion does not produce any long-term
radioactive waste.

For decades, the technology has appeared to be just out of reach, yet the
reward is so great that billions of dollars continue to flow into the field.
However, Germany’s foremost plasma research facility has set a new record
with its new Nuclear Fusion Reactor, demonstrating that we are moving
closer to the wonderful objective of fusion power - an almost endless source
of clean, renewable energy.

3 Points

Shit title. Why do they feel compelled to do that?

2 Points

They could have put

Germany’s New Reactor Hacks Nuclear Fusion SHOCKS The Entire Industry

1 point

Little waste comparatively but what’s the plan for all the helium-4? It’s got clear uses but we’d be converting more and more of the sea to an inert gas…

1 point

Looks amazing, over 40 million degrees kelvin. I wonder if the person clicking the ON button for the first time has a slight shiver his effect might blow up the earth.

1 point

Helium is highly sought after and depleting for the medical industry, I do believe

1 point

There are hundreds of years worth of Helium left, as the price is driven up by current demand more will become available as it will become more viable for extraction from harder to reach places.

1 point

My point is that supply will eventually outstrip demand. With the nature of helium-4 it means it can’t be fissioned or fusioned further, I think it’s too stable.
There’s also the issue of all the oxygen produced when creating deuterium(H2) and tritium(H3).

It escapes the gravitational pull. It’s the one gas that can do that. You’ve probably seen it happen on multiple occasions.

Oxygen is also something that burns.

1 point

revenge of the nerds 80s GIF

1 point