Welcome to Great Britain

3 Points
1 point
2 Points

What a dickhead

1 point

Can’t see shit (video in the middle)

1 point

Something to do with rich format twitter links.

1 point

:stuck_out_tongue: I was swamped with work but I’m definitely going to have a look there.

1 point

You: leans forward half a centimetre
Partner: “You going to the kitchen?”

1 point

me: leans forward half a centimetre
Jon: “You going to look at the rich twitter embeds?”

1 point

I’m perfecting my telepathic abilities, no need to move.

1 point
1 point

Greatest Robert Smith moment ever.

1 point

His second…

Didn’t have my eye shadow at the ready

1 point

That makes sense. I’d wondered how they were clamped down. Those letters on the front will be changing in the not so distant future, by the looks of it.

1 point

Someone I know tried (quite intentionally) to remove one with his van once, I know why the plan failed now.

1 point

With his van :laughing: No chance. I think even a crane would struggle to pull it upwards.

1 point

Yes, with hindsight it was a poor plan it was funny af though.

1 point

Did it even budge? I used to do stupid stuff like shaking lamp posts until the lamp breaks

1 point