
Cool :sunglasses:

1 point

What it does…

Chromium 119 has removed Web SQL ,Re-enable the WebSQL support on chromium 119 by using this override flag:


Deprecated over a decade ago; leave it be

1 point

DuckieTV still uses it, i’m stuck with it :rofl:

1 point

YouTube links now include an SI source id at the end which is unique to your account if you share link on another non-Google platform.

Be sure to delete everything from the “si=” onward or it will be easily traceable to your Gmail

1 point
1 point


For FF: YouTube row fixer – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

1 point

Certainly better than the uBlock method, it also seems not to use any memory. So it probably is the uBlock method just prettified :laughing:

1 point

I didn’t know uBlock had that option too.
btw, FF version is still not 100%

1 point

The uBlock one’s in this thread, up there somewhere :point_up: :laughing:

Here :point_right:

1 point