How Does it Get to Ukraine?

How Much Equipment Does The US/West Have Left to Send? And How Does it Get to Ukraine?

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I think we can safely substitute ā€˜another humiliationā€™ with ā€˜theyā€™ve lostā€™ at this time. Fighting Ukraine in the Autumn/Winter months will be suicide for the Russians.

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Crimea is definitely going to absolutely fuck them. Once that goes, their whole definition for starting the war is fucked.

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1:30 is why I posted thisā€¦

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Poor bastards donā€™t even have duck tape :frowning_face:

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Cluster / nail bomb = war crime?

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I think Ukraine are using the same in their bomblets they drop from drones, so iā€™m not sure on the legality. Tungsten darts will apparently put a hole in an engine block and, with a few hundred flying in every direction ā€¦nasty stuff.

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Thatā€™s not real fighting :frowning:

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Thatā€™s what Ukraine/Russia does. They fight dirty and donā€™t respect innocent people.

I work with a Russian who protested against Putin and eventually fled Russia due to fearing for his safety, only to go to Ukraine(for work when he lived in Czech years later), get pulled out of his car, thrown to the ground, an AK put to the back of his head, and told if he ever came back, they will shoot and bury him by the side of the road. After that experience, he felt Russia wasnā€™t so bad after all.

Not to mention the constant racism he got while living in Czech. He lives in Canada now and has zero issues.

2 Points

Yeah thatā€™s my understanding too, and Iā€™ve got friends on both sides here. Thereā€™s a seeming necessity to be ā€œtoughā€ like that. Czech friends too; pretty similar situation there. You ever been to Czech Republic?

When I was in Prague once on the underground, they held a gun up to me when checking to see if me, my mum, and uncle had a ticket (we didnā€™t know where to get one).

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We have an office there but havenā€™t been. Made some good friends from that office though.

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Ukraine getting bold.

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