From zero to Alex Jones

1 point

1 point

Abbie missed off the top tier I see, all white people are White supremacist NAZI’s, The 2016 Democrat primaries were rigged against Bernie Sanders, Institutional racism is a product of the Republican party, the parsons green bombing, the Russia investigation, George Floyd protests, Dominion vote fraud, the whole gender theory thing…there’s hundreds.

2 Points

Yet these theories are not kept in any basement, funny that. :rofl:

Right wing conspiracies are promptly removed from social media, while left wing ones are fed, fact-checked and firmly approved…Why would that be?

I see that “detached from reality” bit really hit the nerve.

2 Points

Just asking the question. The one that never gets an answer. :wink:

Why do you hate Jewish people REALITY? :clown_face:

1 point

Israel! What have they ever done to anyone? Bloody left wingers…:wink:


for someone who considers himself a sceptic you certainly know a lot about this tin foil hattery :joy:

2 Points

If I have to stop and ask how come this person is the only one that knows this or how come the people that went to all the work to cover things up could shut this one ass hole up it must another fake conspiracy.

My favorite is “we didn’t land on the moon” when it would have been easier to land on the moon than to fake the landing.

But then again Chem trails does really explain the events of 2020!

1 point