DALL·E 2 - Mind. Frigging. Blown

4 Points

That’s nuts! Joined the wait list…Professional artist, Developer, Academic researcher, Journalist or online creator…why can I only pick one?

3 Points

DALL-E is racist…

2 Points
2 Points

Not DALL but still…

2 Points
2 Points

Google announced something similar recently.

3 Points



3 Points

Guess the DALL-E image…

I went with logic…and scored 5 :rofl:

3 Points


2 Points

New avatar: “Karl Marx as a happy meal toy”

This engine is amazing.

2 Points

DALL.E Mini is way behind now

2 Points

2 Points
2 Points

Graphic designers > learn to code :laughing:

2 Points
2 Points

Four creators share their DALL-E-generated images

2 Points


2 Points
2 Points


2 Points