Countdown to Webb's 1st Images Webb/NASA

2 Points

Alexa, webb timer, 18 hours 20 minutes. (it has it’s uses)

2 Points
3 Points

2 Points

…and the site is down :rofl:

2 Points

2 Points

2 Points

1 point

I you think each one of these photos are probably less than a grain of sand in width from our perspective, the Universe is a flippin’ big place. :laughing:

1 point

It was a big place, as these images are from 13bn years ago :slight_smile:

1 point

Yup, and probably cost as much to produce :laughing:

1 point

Cool stuff. I wonder whats next.

1 point

…free them…

1 point

Hubble VS Webb:

1 point