Brave Browser Lament


I’ve been using brave mobile for a while with the desktop sync function and it’s pretty fucking good overall. Still can’t share my BATs though.

2 Points

also bump :screenshot_20210507182139_96x95:

1 point

I’ve given up on BATs the amount of time I spent clicking on it was getting stupid lol, I have however just uninstalled Vivaldi for Brave mobile, set up sync in record time, but nothing is happening. :screenshot_20210507181747_115x127:

Perhaps patience is required (I have none), teoti looks bloody lovely on Brave.

1 point

Allow LAN connections: Check. All good now lol, weird KDE never had a problem.

KDE is the future, old man… given what Gnome’s been up to.

1 point

I have the iso just waiting for the time, it took me most of the day to decide on which colours:

g logo 000096
g indicators ff7400
g multimedia 009600
g fkeys ff0000
g modifiers 0d51f5
g arrows 0bff00
g numeric ff5600
g functions fb77e7
g keys 00ffff
g gkeys fb77e7
k W ff0000
k A ff0000
k S ff0000
k D ff0000
k space ff0000 

c # Commit changes


What’s Gnome been up to? :9899_thinkel:

1 point

Self destruction, mostly. Besides the Apple emulation, obviously.

1 point

What’s so difficult with using a browser and collecting BAT? lol. You don’t need to click on anything. Once you get ~25, you can connect a wallet and away you go.

1 point

Plasma > Gnome :rofl:

1 point

Well that was fun :screenshot_20210507182139_96x95:

1 point

Since Kvantum is independent of all desktop environments, you first need to activate it with a Qt platform integration program.

Was ist das?

Never used it outside of KDE and LXQt so no idea.

edit: I know you can run Qt on Windows so maybe that’s what it’s talking about. On Linux any necessary dependencies would just be installed from the repo, so…

2 Points

Managed to enlarge the default launcher, it’s certainly more involving than Gnome lol

Gnome very much forces you to use whatever paradigm they think is correct. With KDE you can make it into whatever you want. There’s even custom window behaviours and you can save window space by hiding the menus in the title bar.